2003 MRCA Equipment Displays

Warren, K1BOX, displayed homing Beacon Equipment used by both the USN and the Army AF.  An aircraft carrier would transmit a signal between 234 & 258 mc from a rotating antenna.  Each 30 degree segment of rotation keyed a 710kc signal with a different morse character that then modulated the VHF carrier.  When doubly detected the pilot could determine his bearing from his ship.  An enemy radio intercept with a conventional receiver would detect only a CW carrier.  I'm not sure why the AAF used this equipment, buts its clear they did.

Left to Right:
Power adaptor to steal pwr from ARA, BC-946 or R-24/ARC-5 rceiver.
ZB, later called *R-1/ARR-1 Homing Beacon Receiver. It's output fed into a BC band receiver. 
*TS-1/ARR-1 Test Set. Gold plated cavity, 246 mc modulated by 710 kc. 
*C-1/ARR-1 Control Box (in front) 
*R-4/ARR-2 Receiver with *DY-2/ARR-2 Dynamotor. This was a complete receiver with audio output. 
C-38/ARC-5 Pilots Control box. Controlled up to 3 ARC-5 receivers, MF, HF or VHF, plus the *R-4/ARR-2. 
On top of the *R-4 is a *C-37/ARR-2 control box that could replace the flex shafting with a DC motor.

         Lenard, WA3DBJ   gave us a look at some WWII German equipments, and contrasted them with American gear of similar function:  3-6 MC aircraft receiver  type FuG10-EK on top of a  BC-348.  Kleinfunksprecher d, or "small speaking radio, frequency range d." ( The Germans nicknamed it "Dorette.) compared to BC-611.  On the right is a man-packable teletype terminal.                                                                

The Kw.Ea superheterodyne covering 1 to 10 MHz was designed around 1938.  This sophisticated set as two RF amps and 2 IF stages and uses two-volt RL2P800 tubes in all stages.  The push buttons, at the upper left, allow trouble shooting by monitoring individual tube currents.
K2WI's  infared viewer used for Morse signaling during WWII.   Rob's grandfather, Leslie Flory, was inolved with the development of this gear at RCA.  The display included some his patent documents.                                                                    

Dale, KW1I's RACAL TRA.906 SQUADCAL HF Transceiver is fully waterproof, lightweight portable packset that operates AM, SSB and CW from 2-7 mHz on 29 crystal controlled channels. This model HF set is rumored to have been used by Iraqis during Desert Storm. The transciever in a canvas back pack is shown sitting on a vehicle adapter that converts 12 VDC to the 18 VDC used by the transceiver. The adapter also provides an external speaker and audio amp.
Another KW1I set, a Hallicrafters TR-9, HF AM/CW solid state backpack radio.circa 1968. Separate VFOs for receive and transmit. Runs about 10 watts out. Uses 12VDC.  Reported to have had CIA clandestine use.  Also may have been a backup radio in US Embassies.  A turns counter for the antenna matching variable inductor normally is mounted behind the cutout above the meter.  It is missing on this unit.

N3NNG's display Left: WWII US Navy GP-7 aircraft transmitter NOS with accessories.  Spare tuning unit in storage container and transmitter dust cover.  Center:  GP-7 transmitter with radio operator's & pilot's remote controls. Low freq. Antenna tuning unit on right.  Right:  WWII US Navy MO-1 transceiver. 3.0 to 8.0 mc. 25 watts AM xtal control. Used in small surface craft, and Navy and Marine Corps vehicles
Left to Right:   WWII US Navy (Marine Corps) TBY battery charger Type CLG-20145. Charges up to 3 TBY batteries at the same time.  Connectors with cables are stored in lid on left.    NOS WWII TBY-8 radio set  in original storage/transportation chest.  Includes original CLG-20206  AC and CLG-20144 vibrator power supplies. Used by the Marine Corps.  - N3NNG                                                   

Top: WII US Navy RBD shipboard receiver. 1.5 to 12 mc, a variant of thr RAX aircraft receivers.
Bottom: Complete set of RAX-1 aircraft receivers including shockmounts and dynamotors.
  - N3NNG
 WA2EJT's BC-973-C direction finder p/o SCR-503.  Center unit is a common ARC-5 transmitter.  TX at the right is a rare low-frequency set, either T-15 or T-16/ARC-5.  (Joe help!)                                                                           

Zorro's  hooch.                     
Breck, K4CHE a.k.a. Zorro, at the controls of his fully operational Wireless Set No. 19.

W3PWW getting Wireless Set 19 on-the-job training.