The 2002 MRCA Meet

The first year at Gilbert, Pa. 

Pete, WB2JWU, checks in on a GRC-9 from Little Gap during Friday's field exercise. Bud, WA2AUI, supplies the power via the GN-58.

Pete takes his turn while Bud operates CW.

Saturday morning, NCS W3PWW, Ted,  calls up the Old Military Radio Net in the pre-dawn gloom at 05:00 sharp on his GRC-19..

Norm, N3RZU, did a marvelous presentation on the radio equipment used by the WWII Navajo code talkers.
Command-set maven Gordon Elliot White shared his accumulated wisdom with us.

Navy RAT's, the earliest of the "modern" 
command sets ca. 1939

Priceless Aircraft Radio Corporation receivers brought by Gordon White.  Left to right, R-21/ARC-5, ARA-2, R-113/ARC-5, and RAV, all on an RAV four receiver rack.  The M inside the circle signifies part of the "morgue" or museum collection from the ARC factory.

  Mike Hanz spoke of the ongoing effort to restore the "raven" (ECM) equipment on the B-29 "Enola Gay" at the Smithsonian.  There's a lot of detective work to be done, as the plane was flown and further modified for a year after the Hiroshima attack. 

Tom Perera had three Enigma's in tow, and delivered an excellent presentation on same including a working computer simulation.

Steve Finelli, N3NNG:  Left to right:  TCH (WWII US Navy shipboard transceiver (Collins 18M);  MAB Frequency Alignment Oscillator;  GO-9 US Navy Aircraft Transmitter (Westinghouse)

More N3NNG:  Canadian/British W.S. 52 Remote Receiver w/power supply on top, 1943;  British R.1155 Aircraft Receiver, WWII;  British T.1154 Aircraft Transmitter, WWII.

N3NNG's SCR178 - From left to right:  BG-58 antenna bag, CH-39 equipment chest (on floor), CH-38 operating chest containing BC-186 receiver, BC-187 transmitter, BC-188 modulator, and BX-4 Battery box.

Pete Graves's spy catching BC-792 direction finder.

Paul Weidenshilling's much coveted BC-32.

Two of Paul Bernhardt's radios:  The BC-648/ARR-41, on the left, is a "light-weight R-390" designed to replace the vererable BC-348 in aeronautical applications.  The 51S-1B, on the right, is an SSB-era replacement for the ARR-41.  Both are Collins products.
