Happy Birthday Moose & Squirrel! Fourth Anniversary
KB3WBE on the Western Perimeter ![]() Boris and Natasha are still out there plotting against Rocket J. Squrrel and Bullwinkle T. Moose. Their plan is doomed because one spavined Cold Warrior is still on his post and has planted himself firmly in their way, dutifully reporting his findings to Moose and Squirrel net. It should also be duly noted that the uniform he is clad in was issued to him four decades ago and still fits 10 MAR 2012 Solar Flare Right in the middle of Moose and Squirrel Net about 17:20 Z. ![]() The sudden loss of communications was pretty startling. You had to be there to appreciate this. A couple of related links: / SOLARCYCLE / Solar Cycle 24 / Spaceweather / Amateur Radio VHF Aurora Website / Sunspots / Solar Flares IPS - Global HF - Ionospheric Map Moose and Squirrel Net Birthday Party Noon EST, Saturday, 12 November 2011 - 5371.5 KHz USB K4CHE's PRC-70 0n the Net 18 OCT 2011 CLICK HERE, and Scroll Down to "Videos." M&S QSY - 30 AUG 2011 Effective Tuesday, 30 AUG 2011, the primary frequency for The Moose and Squirrel Cold-War Clandestine and Long-Range-Reconnaissance-Patrol Net will change to 5371.5 KHz (Channel 4). We're making this change in order to vacate 5403.5 KHz (Channel 5) which is the designated 60-meter calling frequency. This change is feasible because the long standing QRM problem on Channel 4 has been resolved. First Saturday C/LRRP - 4 DEC 2010. We're declaring this a success, and we'll continue Saturday operations. We managed to blow the cobwebs off a bunch of interesting radios.
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To get our military and paramilitary radios on the air within
the NE US region on a regular basis. Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00 Eastern Time Frequencies: 3996, 5403.5(alt 5371.5), 7296 as needed. Mode: USB |
Direct email: We can use for the moment, and set up a dedicated reflector if needed. This Website: (MRCA) Yahoo: I'm sure we'd be welcome on the HF Now Group CENTRAL CONTROL would post FOD to this group shortly before net time. |
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Extra credit for "deployed" operation. Take your radio to the the woods, the park, or the picnic table. |
The identy of Mr. Big shall remain secret. | ![]() |
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Is this
agood idea? Will you participate? What changes do we need to make? Your input is required! |